The F.A.T. Method


From the Desk of: Scott Bancroft, Chief Transformation Officer


RE: The F.A.T Method


Exhausted from counting calories, points, sins, and following meal plans, all with little to no success in your weight loss journey?


I feel your pain and frustration...


You simply want something that works without the added stress of micromanaging every aspect of your diet—I completely understand.


Your life is likely fast-paced and overflowing with responsibilities, leaving little time for weighing food or obsessing over every bite you eat.


This is precisely why The F.A.T. Method is so effective.


You don’t have to strive for dietary perfection or spend endless hours on the treadmill or lifting weights. While improving your diet and increasing physical activity certainly accelerates weight loss and boosts overall well-being...


…It's not mandatory.


The F.A.T. Method is unlike any other programme you’ve tried before because it meets you where you are.


We specialise in working with women 40+ and understand the unique challenges you face—including the fluctuations in hormones that can affect your weight loss journey. Juggling work, family, and personal commitments while striving for a healthier lifestyle.


Imagine how much easier and stress-free your weight loss journey would be if you didn’t have to count calories, points, sins, or adhere to a rigid meal plan.


That's precisely where The F.A.T Method comes in.


Picture shedding 15-20 lbs in just 8 weeks, all without the aforementioned constraints.


We steer clear of conventional weight loss methods. Our approach seamlessly integrates into your lifestyle, allowing you to reclaim control without sacrificing your precious time and energy.


It's time to liberate yourself from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and embrace a new approach—one that prioritises your long-term health and well-being.


For more information on The F.A.T Method, download our "Info Pack" below.

The f.a.t. method

Info Pack.

if you resonated with ANY of the above, we can help.

the f.a.t. method

Lose 15-20lbs in 8 weeks without counting calories, points, sins, or following a meal plan.


Fasting 2.0™ - New and Improved Intermittent Fasting that's Sequenced and Customised for Simple and Sustainable Weight Loss Results 



Accountability - Expert Coaching With a Supportive, Caring, Community to Keep You On-Goal and Inspired


Training - Moderate Strength Training to Accelerate results and Give You That "Look"

starting IS EASy

Follow the 3 steps below to get started.







“Coming into this journey I had concerns about fitting in, as a Muslim and wearing a head scarf. But my concerns quickly disappeared. This journey as a result has had a positive effect on my mental health, I have become much stronger, my stamina and breathing have massively improved, and I feel much more confident having lost weight and inches all over my body!"


“When I turned up on my first day everybody made a point of coming over to me, speaking with me and introducing themselves, and it didn’t matter if they’d been there since you started, or a few weeks or months, everybody feels like their supposed to be there. Nobody’s ever made to feel like they’re not welcome, and this is one of the main reasons I wanted to stay!”


“What I needed was focus, discipline and something I could feel the benefits of. The eating plan was right up my street, and as a result, my energy has improved enormously, as well as my sleep. Plus, my eczema which was described as fungal has now completely gone so my skin is much clearer! I also feel physically fitter, leaner and happier.”



Katie lost 6.8kg / 14.96lbs & 29cm from around her body in 6 weeks!


Ann-Marie lost 5.8kg / 12.8lbs & 27cm from around her body in 6 weeks!


Trish lost 3kg / 6.6lbs & 25cm from around her body in 4 weeks!


Ellen lost 10.4kg / 22.9lbs & 63.4cm from around her body in 6 months!


Bobbie lost 4.5kg / 9.9lbs & 32cm from around her body in 6 weeks!


We believe that fitness isn't just about the body; it's about forging lifelong connections, fostering self-confidence, and nurturing personal growth. With group workouts, coaching and unwavering camaraderie, our aim is clear: to connect women through fitness, inspire transformation, and redefine what it means to be fit, strong and healthy at EVERY age and every stage.

frequently asked questions


Yes. The majority of new starters have either had a lay off from regular exercise or are starting out for the first time.

Yes. Most women in our programme have some sort of old injury or medical concern so you will not be alone there. We are able to modify, adjust, adapt and find alternatives for anything that may aggravate this area of concern.

Absolutely not. Typically for those who kick off with us they would consider themselves a ‘beginner’ and feel as though their level of fitness is at square 1. We begin by going back to basics and ensuring we meet you where your current level of fitness is, which is normally quite low, so if this is you then there will also be plenty of others in the same boat.

Your workout will be personalised, customised and tailored for your current level of fitness. For everyone starting out we start from scratch and have no expectations around your fitness so if you are a little concerned about it being ‘too hard’ then there is no need to worry. We normally have a handful of new starters each week and the vast majority of them would say their fitness is low so the workouts will always be representative of your current state.

Not at all. In fact, it’s rare that anyone that starts out with us has any substantial knowledge about anything specific to form or technique in the programme. This is why there will be a trainer with you every session and alongside you every step of the way. They will be there to help ensure you are doing everything safely, if we’re using equipment they will make sure it’s suitable for you, if there are modifications or adjustments needed for you they will provide personalised recommendations for you and finally they will make certain you are getting the most out of the programme.

No, quite the opposite actually. We have a number of new starters kicking off every week and for the most part they have had significant time off regular training or this may even be their first time doing anything like this. Everybody started out the same way so we always see amazing encouragement and support from everyone else in the programme too. We have always tended to attract people to our programme who are positive and supportive who love to see others thrive and succeed.

Just a towel and water bottle, we have everything else you need.

Nothing fancy, just normal active wear that you can move comfortably in and shoes with a flat sole that you would go for a walk in.

We run our classes on the following days and times:





6:15am, 16:30pm & 18:30pm classes:

Rake Primary School, London Rd, Rake, Liss GU33 7JH

9:30am classes:

The Bettesworth Room - St Luke's Church, Liphook GU30 7NF

THe F.A.T. Method

follow us


contact us


St Luke's Rectory, Fernhurst Road, Milland, Hampshire GU30 7LU